Gegendemonstration von Antifaschisten und starkes Polizeiaufgebot. Budapest – Rund 500 Neonazis haben am Samstag in Budapest des 75. Jahrestags der Schlacht um Ungarns Hauptstadt im Zweiten Weltkrieg gedacht. Bei dem Gedenken an den “Tag der Ehre” wurden Mitglieder der Waffen-SS und die an ihrer Seite kämpfenden ungarischen Soldaten gefeiert. Sie hatten am 11. Februar 1945 erfolglos versucht, den Belagerungsring der Roten Armee um Budapest zu durchbrechen. Etwa 700 Meter von dem Neonazi-Aufmarsch entfernt fand eine Gegendemonstration von rund 400 Antifaschisten statt. Versuche, den Polizeikordon zu durchbrechen und die Neonazi-Veranstaltung mit Rauchbomben zu stören, schlugen fehl.

via standard: 500 Neonazis begingen in Budapest den “Tag der Ehre”

siehe auch: ‘Day of Honor’ Extreme Rightist Gathering Is On. Several extreme-rightist groups, among them neo-nazis, will once again gather in Budapest on Saturday to commemorate what they call the ‘Day of Honor.’ The police initially banned the gathering but then a court decision made it possible. The event will take place in Városmajor, along with counter-demonstrations. They are set to commemorate the so-called breakout of the German and Hungarian soldiers during the siege of Budapest. On the night of February 8, 1945, around thousands of them attempted to get through the blockade of the Soviet forces, which eventually resulted in the death of most. The day, however, also serves as the biggest event of the Hungarian extreme right, together with a number of European extreme-right and neo-nazi groups among the participants. This year’s participants include far-right Mi Hazánk party-linked Hatvannégy Vármegye Mozgalom (HVIM), Betyársereg, and Legio Hungaria. The commemoration was first organized by István Györkös‘ Magyar Nemzeti Arcvonal (MNA) in 1997, and since preceded by a legal battle each year. Either it was totally banned or had to be held on private property or held with restrictions. This year, likewise to last year, police tried to ban the event. However, a court ruling has overruled that. As a result, although having been pushed out of the Castle District, the commemoration will be held in Városmajor.