A former guard at a Nazi concentration camp has been convicted on more than 5,000 counts in one of the last ever cases of its kind. 93-year-old Bruno Dey, who was an SS guard at the Stutthof concentration camp during World War II, on Thursday was found guilty of aiding and abetting 5,232 murders and received a two-year suspended sentence, CNN reports. He was 17 when he was a guard at the camp, and so the case was tried in juvenile court in Hamburg. “The concentration camp Stutthof and the mass murder that took place inside was only able to take place with your help,” the judge said, per The Guardian. Dey had apologized in court “to those who went through this hellish madness and their relatives,” also saying that “something like this must never be repeated.”

via intelligencer: Nazi SS guard convicted on more than 5,000 counts, Report

siehe auch: Bewährungsstrafe für ehemaligen SS-Wachmann in Stutthof-Prozess. Als 17-Jähriger war Bruno D. Wachmann im KZ Stutthof. Nun hat das Gericht den heute 93-Jährigen zu zwei Jahren Jugendstrafe auf Bewährung verurteilt. Im Verfahren um den früheren SS-Wachmann Bruno D. ist das Urteil verkündet worden. Das Landgericht Hamburg hat ihn zu einer Jugendstrafe von zwei Jahren verurteilt. Die Strafe wurde zur Bewährung ausgesetzt.

Categories: Diensteholocaust