Self-proclaimed neo-Nazi arrested for plotting to blow up #Maryland power grid – #terror #atomwaffenDivision #awd

Tampa defendant and self-proclaimed neo-Nazi, Brandon Russell, is back in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. After serving five years in prison on explosive charges, Russell was recently arrested, while on probation, for plotting to blow up the power grid in Maryland. Russell and Sarah Beth Clendaniel planned sniper attacks. “He wanted to shut down the grid system for a period of time during the cold of winter. And him doing this, if he would’ve accomplished his plan, people would’ve died,” explained Rickman. During a federal court hearing, both defendants were asking for a speedy trial which could be a defense strategy, however, Rickman said it could backfire. “If this defendant thinks he’s going to demand speedy because he’s going to catch the government off guard I don’t think that’s the case here,” said Rickman. READ: Driver accused in DUI crash that killed mom of 3 strikes plea deal after skipping town, delaying trial In 2017, Russell pleaded guilty to making homemade bombs at his Tampa apartment. Russell also had a hit list that included Tampa synagogues and a flower plant near Miami. Russell was also the leader of the Neo-Nazi group, Atomwaffen, and activity recruiting members around the country.  In 2017, officials discovered that Russell was making homemade bombs. Russell’s twisted plot was revealed after his roommate, Devon Arthurs, shot and killed his two roommates after they teased him for converting to the Muslim faith. He then pointed police to Russell’s bombs and sinister plan.

via fox13: Self-proclaimed neo-Nazi arrested for plotting to blow up Maryland power grid

Prominent neo-Nazi propagandist arrested in #Canada: #Police – #terror #awd #atomwaffendivision

Canada says first time individual charged with ‘both terrorism and hate propaganda’ for advocating violent ideology. Canada has arrested two men in connection with their involvement with a “terrorist group … linked to neo-Nazi ideology,” according to authorities. Among those arrested was Patrick Gordon Macdonald, 26, who allegedly helped produce propaganda for the group. In a statement on Wednesday, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said, “The case is the first in Canada in which an individual advocating a violent far-right ideology has been charged with both terrorism and hate propaganda.” A second person was arrested in Kingsey Falls, Quebec and “may face charges at a later date”, according to the statement. Macdonald allegedly supported the Atomwaffen Division, an accelerationist neo-Nazi group originally formed in the United States. Accelerationism is the belief that various extreme measures – including violence – are needed to force the swift collapse of society and put in place a new order of power.

via aljazeera: Prominent neo-Nazi propagandist arrested in Canada: Police

siehe auch: Charges against alleged Ottawa neo-Nazi linked to offences in 2018-19, court documents allege Second person arrested in investigation has been released, RCMP says. The unprecedented terrorism charges laid against an Ottawa man stem from offences he’s accused of committing between 2018 and 2019, court documents say. The Mounties said earlier this week they arrested Patrick Gordon Macdonald, a 26-year-old graphic designer, and charged him with three terrorism-related offences under the Criminal Code: participating in the activity of a terrorist group, facilitating terrorist activity and commission of an offence for a terrorist group (wilful promotion of hatred).  The RCMP says it’s the first time in Canada someone advocating a violent far-right ideology has been charged with both terrorism and hate propaganda. Macdonald is accused of creating propaganda for the neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division, which the federal government listed as a terrorist entity in 2021.

Neo-Nazi Marine Corps vet accused of plotting #terror attack possessed classified military materials: sources – #awd #atomwaffendivision

A neo-Nazi Marine Corps veteran jailed for allegedly plotting to attack the power grid and commit acts of racial terror stands accused by the government of possessing classified Defense Department materials on a computer drive at the time of his arrest, Raw Story has exclusively learned. The nature of the classified materials found on Jordan Duncan’s hard drive upon his arrest in Idaho in October 2020 is unclear. The government has not described the contents of the materials, which were found amid a tranche of documents about chemicals and bomb-making, or provided any explanation about how Duncan allegedly obtained them. But the revelation about apparent classified materials in the possession of Duncan, as alleged by the government in a court filing, adds an explosive new dimension to the federal case against him — as the nation’s defense apparatus continues to reel from a separate classified document leak allegedly committed by a National Guard airman. It also comes amid previously reported details of Duncan’s role in an alleged neo-Nazi plot to target power substations and carry out a campaign of racial violence. Duncan’s background as a Russian linguist trained by the Marine Corps in electronic communications raises the provocative question — yet unanswered — about whether he passed on classified information to a foreign government or otherwise used it to harm the United States by advancing an agenda to promote social discord and undermine democracy. (…) Duncan and two other men were initially charged in October 2020 with illegally manufacturing and transporting firearms. Charges grew to include conspiracy to damage an energy facility, and expanded to include five defendants overall. As described in court documents, the defendants allegedly conspired “to attack the power grid both for the purpose of creating general chaos and to provide cover and ease of escape” while undertaking a campaign of assassinations against Black Lives Matter founders and Democratic politicians. The alleged goal: cause a societal collapse and create a white ethno-state.

via rawstory: Neo-Nazi Marine Corps vet accused of plotting terror attack possessed classified military materials: sources

siehe auch: Neo-Nazi Marine Corps veteran had ‘classified DoD documents’ on his hard drive when he was arrested in 2020 on suspicion of plotting to attack power grid and ‘commit acts of racial terror’ Jordan Duncan, 28, was arrested after plotting to attack BLM founders and blow up a power station  He joined the group organized by a fellow US Marine, who used a neo-nazi forum to recruit members for a ‘modern-day SS’ How Duncan came into possession of the classified documents is currently unknown. A US Marine Corps veteran who was arrested for allegedly plotting terror attacks had classified Defense Department materials on his hard drive. Jordan Duncan, 28, had the documentation on his computer when he was arrested in Idaho in October 2020, according to RawStory. The details of the materials have not yet been confirmed, but they were found along with documents detailing how to make bombs. Neither Duncan, a neo-Nazi, nor the Defense Department has provided any explanation as to how he obtained them. He served as a Russian linguist for the Marine Corps in electronic communications, though it is unclear if he passed on classified information to a foreign government (…) He joined a group organized by Collins, a fellow US Marine, who used a neo-nazi forum to recruit members for a ‘modern-day SS’, according to the indictment. (…) In an Instagram chat on October, 1, 2020, Kryscuk and Duncan fantasized about shooting protesters in Boise, according to a federal indictment. Duncan: ‘How the BSNs finna be pulling up to chipotle after hitting legs.’ Kryscuk: ‘Death squad…. Assassins creed hoodies and suppressed 22 pistols.’ FBI agents notified two BLM movement co-founders that their names were on a list kept by a different member of the paramilitary group.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Barbara Kocher showed a judge a 90-second recruitment video in December 2020 that she said shows Duncan firing gunshots, participating in military-style exercises and flashing ‘Heil Hitler’ salutes with three other members. They were all wearing skull masks associated with a neo-Nazi group called Atomwaffen Division, the indictment says.

#Rechtsterrorismus : Drei Jahre und zehn Monate #Haft für jungen Rechtsextremen – #Terror #AWD #AtomwaffenDivision #CDU #LockHimUp

Marvin E. plante Anschläge an Schulen und auf den Bundestag. Er gehörte der rechtsextremen Atomwaffen Division an – und kandidierte in Nordhessen für die CDU. Der Rechtsextreme Marvin E. ist vom Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Main wegen der versuchten Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung und der Planung eines Anschlags zu einer Jugendstrafe von drei Jahren und zehn Monaten verurteilt worden. Der 21-Jährige habe sich dem rechtsextremen Netzwerk Atomwaffen Division zugehörig gefühlt, wie eine Gerichtssprecherin ZEIT ONLINE bestätigte.  Der Mann aus Nordhessen hat den Erkenntnissen des Gerichts zufolge unter anderem mit selbst gebauten Sprengsätzen Anschläge verüben wollen. Als mögliche Ziele soll er sich Schulen und den Bundestag vorgestellt haben. Marvin E. hatte allerdings nicht nur terroristische Ambitionen, sondern auch lokalpolitische: 2021 kandidierte er bei den Kommunalwahlen im nordhessischen Spangenberg als parteiloser Kandidat für die CDU. (…) Bei der sogenannten Atomwaffen Division handelt es sich um ein rechtsextremes Onlinenetzwerk, das ursprünglich aus den USA stammt. Seit 2018 sind auch deutsche Rechtsextreme im Namen der Gruppe aktiv. Wie das Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt mitteilt, habe Marvin E. spätestens seit Anfang 2021 “Kenntnis von der international aktiven rechtsextremen terroristischen Vereinigung”. Deren Ideologie habe er vollständig übernommen und spätestens Anfang Juli 2021 den Entschluss gefasst, nach ihrem Vorbild einen unabhängigen Ableger des Netzwerks in Hessen zu gründen. Ein ähnliches Verfahren läuft derzeit gegen einen jungen Rechtsextremen aus Potsdam: Der inzwischen 18-Jährige Lutius F. soll sich über eine Chatgruppe namens “Totenwaffen” radikalisiert und Anschläge geplant haben.

via zeit: Drei Jahre und zehn Monate Haft für jungen Rechtsextremen

siehe auch: Urteil im Prozess gegen Neonazi :Jugendstrafe für Bombenbauer. Ein Gericht verurteilt den 21-jährigen Marvin E.. Er hatte einen Ableger der neonazistischen „Atomwaffen Division“ gegründet und Anschläge geplant. Wegen der versuchten Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung sowie Vorbereitung staatsgefährdender Sprengstoffanschläge hat der Staatsschutzsenat des Oberlandesgerichts Frankfurt den inzwischen 21-jährigen Marvin E. nach Jugendstrafrecht zu 3 Jahren und 10 Monaten Haft verurteilt. Der Angeklagte hatte während des Prozesses eingeräumt, vor seiner Festnahme in Nordhessen einen Ableger der militant nationalsozialistischen Bewegung „Atomwaffen Division“ (AWD) aus den USA gegründet und dafür im Internet und mit eigenem Propagandamaterial Gesinnungsgenossen gesucht zu haben. Marvin E. habe sich die rassistische und antisemitische Ideologie der AWD zu eigen gemacht und mit Bombenanschlägen in Deutschland einen „Rassenkrieg“ provozieren wollen. Dafür habe er schwere Verletzungen und den Tod von Menschen in Kauf genommen, stellte der Vorsitzende Richter Christoph Koller in seiner Urteilsbegründung fest. (…) Doch als die Polizei ihm im September 2021 in seinem Kinderzimmer Handschellen anlegte, fand sie dort eine brisante Bombenbastelwerkstatt vor. Das beschlagnahmte Arsenal enthielt einen Koffer mit einem größeren und fünf kleineren „unkonventionellen Sprengkörpern“, dazu ein Dutzend weitere Bombensätze, Sprengmaterial und Zünder. Marvin E. habe sich bereits für einen tödliches Attentat entschieden, so das Gericht. In den Tagen vor der Festnahme habe er mögliche Tatorte recherchiert, darunter das Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin und ein halbes Dutzend Schulen. Die Pläne stoppte ein virtueller Chatpartner des Verfassungsschutzes, an den Marvin E. in den AWD-Netzen geraten war.

siehe dazu auch: Mutmaßlich rechtsextremer #Bombenbastler – #Prozess gegen Marvin E. beginnt im August – #awd #atomwaffendivision #terror #cdu. Marvin E. soll an der Gründung einer Terrorzelle gearbeitet und Anschläge vorbereitet haben: alles im Sinne eines “totalen Rassenkriegs”. Jetzt wird dem Spangenberger der Prozess gemacht. Marvin E. muss sich ab dem 2. August in Frankfurt vor Gericht verantworten. Das teilte das Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am Mittwoch mit. Die Generalbundesanwaltschaft wirft dem 20-Jährigen die versuchte Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung, Vorbereitung einer schweren staatsgefährdenden Gewalttat sowie Verstöße gegen das Waffen- und Sprengstoffgesetz vor. Ob Jugendstrafrecht angewendet wird, entscheidet sich im Prozess Zur Tatzeit war der Mann aus Spangenberg (Schwalm-Eder) 19 Jahre alt gewesen.

Rechtsterroristische »#AtomwaffenDivision«: Glorifizierte #Gewalt – #Bundesanwaltschaft fordert #Haft für rechten #Bombenbastler

Der Angeklagte Marvin E. kommt in Handschellen zum Prozessauftakt in den Gerichtssaal des Oberlandesgerichts. Die Bundesanwaltschaft wirft dem Mann aus Nordhessen die versuchte Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung und die Vorbereitung einer schweren staatsgefährdenden Gewalttat vor. Rund zwei Kilogramm Sprengstoff hortete Marvin E. in seinem Kinderzimmer. Mehr als ein Dutzend Sprengsätze hatte der junge Neonazi damit bereits zusammengebaut, fünf davon mit Stahlkugeln ummantelt, die sich bei einer Explosion in tödliche Geschosse hätten verwandeln können. Und das, glaubt die Bundesanwaltschaft, sollten sie auch, schon bald. »Der Angeklagte war fest entschlossen, diese Sprengvorrichtungen bei einem Anschlag für die ›Atomwaffen Division‹ einzusetzen«, sagt Staatsanwalt Felix Ziemer, als er am Montag im Terrorprozess vor dem Frankfurter Oberlandesgericht den Schlussvortrag der Anklagebehörde hält. »Es hing nur noch vom Zufall ab, wann und wo er zuschlagen würde.« Die rechtsterroristische »Atomwaffen Division« (AWD) wurde 2015 in den USA gegründet und bestand als feste Organisation nur wenige Jahre. Doch mit ihrer offen nationalsozialistischen Ideologie, ihrem Aufruf zum »führerlosen Widerstand« durch kleine Terrorzellen, ihrem Traum von der Entfesselung eines »Rassen- und Bürgerkriegs«, der in den rechten Umsturz münden soll – damit fasziniert sie Rechtsextreme in aller Welt noch immer. Der Schreiner-Azubi Marvin E. im nordhessischen Spangenberg war einer von ihnen. Daraus hat der heute 21-Jährige in seinem seit nun mehr fast neun Monate dauernden Prozess vor dem Staatsschutzsenat in Frankfurt keinen Hehl gemacht. Auch weil der Angeklagte sein Weltbild vor Gericht so freimütig offenbart hat, hält die Bundesanwaltschaft den Anklagevorwurf für erwiesen: Marvin E. habe einen hessischen Ableger der »Atomwaffen Division« gründen und bewaffnete Aktionen starten wollen. »Der Angeklagte konnte sich voll und ganz mit der AWD und der von ihr glorifizierten Gewalt identifizieren«, sagt Staatsanwalt Ziemer und fordert fünf Jahre Jugendstrafe – wegen versuchter rädelsführerschaftlicher Gründung einer terroristischen Vereinigung, der Vorbereitung einer schweren staatsgefährdenden Gewalttat sowie Verstößen gegen das Sprengstoff- und Waffengesetz.

via nd: Rechtsterroristische »Atomwaffen Division«: Glorifizierte Gewalt Bundesanwaltschaft fordert Haft für rechten Bombenbastler


Despite the fact that far-right, neo-Nazi, and neo-fascist groups in the United States have been steadily gaining power and influence since the 1950s, it wasn’t until the 116th Congress in 2020 that the FBI publicly acknowledged the far-right movement in the United States was a “national threat priority.” The same year, the United States State Department designated members of the Russian Imperial Movement as global terrorists, which, per the State Department, was “the first time in history the Department has designated a white supremacist terrorist group.” But these acknowledgments have done little to stunt the growth of the neo-Nazi movement within the U.S. In 2021, the Department of Defense acknowledged that neo-Nazis and white supremacists were recruiting among U.S. military personnel. In July 2022, Congress passed amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that ordered the government to investigate far-right activity in the military and the FBI, but in December 2022, the final version of the NDAA effectively wiped all the provisions relating to investigating domestic far-right extremism in the military. In 2022, the Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism found that white supremacist propaganda efforts roe from 4,876 events in 2021 to 6,751 in 2022, with incidents involving antisemitic propaganda alone doubling. Amid all this, the Atomwaffen Division is one group out of many that want to remake the world in its fascistic white supremacist image. This is the messed up truth of the international neo-Nazi network, Atomwaffen Division. Atomwaffen Division, also known as AWD, is a contemporary neo-Nazi and neo-fascist group that follows an accelerationist ideology. Accelerationism is a facet of white supremacism that posits that society should be actively demolished in order to rebuild a new one … based on fascism and white supremacy. As a result, Atomwaffen members actively advocate overthrowing the United States government and instigating a race war between people of color and white people. In “Hate Groups and Extremist Organizations in America,” Barry J. Balleck writes that Atomwaffen is described as “one of the most violent hate groups in the United States.” It is considered extreme and controversial even by those among the far-right. Atomwaffen takes much of its ideology from the writings of James Mason, an American neo-Nazi who wrote a collection of essays known as SIEGE. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Mason first tried to join the American Nazi Party at just 14 years old and he spent his entire life in various neo-Nazi and neo-fascist groups. At one point, he was even in correspondence with the Manson Family. In July 2020, Atomwaffen changed its name to the National Socialist Order (NSO). This was due to some dissolution within the organization as well as the arrests of its founding members. However, this change is little more than a rebranding of the same ideology.


US neo-Nazi accused of sniper plot appears to have shared instructions with Australian far-right figures – #telegram #terror #awd #atomwaffendivision #nso #NationalSocialistOrder

Brandon Russell, who has previously been jailed for possession of bomb-making materials, communicated with Australian extremists via Telegram. Brandon Russell, an American neo-Nazi who was charged this year with conspiring to attack the Maryland power grid, appears to have shared instructions on how to carry out such an attack months earlier in an Australian far-right channel on Telegram. Leaked chats show Russell posted extreme right propaganda and interacted with known Australian neo-Nazis on the encrypted messaging platform last year. Russell is the founder of Atomwaffen Division, which was proscribed by the Australian government as a terrorist organisation last year. The organisation, now known as the National Socialist Order, “advocates the use of violence to initiate a ‘race war’ to accelerate the collapse of western society and establish a ‘white ethno-state’,” the government’s listing said.

via guardian: US neo-Nazi accused of sniper plot appears to have shared instructions with Australian far-right figures